Ashbrook PTO Mission Statement

The Ashbrook Independent School PTO is a non-profit (under the school tax ID) parent-teacher organization with the purpose of supporting the education of children at Ashbrook by fostering relationships between the students, parents and staff. The PTO subsidizes educational strategies in the classrooms, friendship building events, fun experiences in and outside of the classroom, and athletic activities that encourage health and wellness. Ashbrook Independent School PTO also exists to connect parents to each other through volunteer opportunities. Additionally, the PTO sponsors and organizes some, but not all, fundraising and school events, which deepens the school’s community spirit and enriches students’ educational, social, and developmental experiences.

The Ashbrook PTO officers are:

  • Brittney Bryant – Chairperson
  • Krista Lindberg – Co-Chair
  • Anna May – Secretary
  • Jessica Scheele – Treasurer

Current Committee Chairs:

  • Jennifer Chang – Mini-Grants and Volunteer Sign-ups
  • Jessica Scheele and Melody Swoboda – Staff Appreciation

23-24 PTO Officers (l to r): Anna, Jessica, Krista, Brittney, and Kelly

2023-2024 Goals

  • Provide support for student clubs and teachers in the form of mini-grants that fund supplemental learning and community building opportunities.
  • Provide funds to the Staff Appreciation Committee for the purpose of acknowledging the school staff’s hard work by means of luncheons and gifts.
  • Promote community spirit through fundraising for a specific cause and then provide an object or experience, which reinforces this cause. For example, hold a jog-a-thon which promotes health and then gift a water bottle filler to the school which also promotes health.
  • Organize events that foster student social opportunities (e.g., dances, movie nights, talent show).

PTO Fundraising

Seasonal Fundraisers
  • See’s Candy (fall)
  • Wine Wall (winter)
  • Jog-a-Thon (spring)
Year-round Fundraisers

The PTO is BottleDrop Give blue bag approved, so you can help the PTO raise money by donating your can and bottle returns! There is a receptacle by the front door with blue bags that already have the Ashbrook account sticker on them. Once filled, you can return the bags to any redemption center or drop them off on the Ashbrook loading dock and the PTO will return them for you! If you already have a stash of green bags at home, you can still use those and simply transfer funds from your BottleDrop account balance to the Ashbrook PTO Give account online.

By registering your credit cards with eScrip (sign up at and using them to pay at Market of Choice and certain online businesses, a portion of your purchase will be donated to the PTO.

Funded by the PTO

Mini-Grants awarded in the fall of 2022:
  • Math Counts workbooks
  • All school OMSI presentation
  • First Lego League Challenge sets
  • Pre-School mud kitchen and water wall
  • Pre-Kindergarten light table
  • Beginning School rain suits
Annual PTO-sponsored events:
  • Family Summer Park Party
  • Bike to School Day
  • Dancing Through the Decades
  • Family Fun Night @ OSU MU
  • Flower bouquets for music concerts
  • Talent Show snacks
  • Field Day popsicles
  • Staff Appreciation Week supplies
  • Staff Appreciation End-of-Year Luncheon in conjunction with the Ashbrook School Board
  • 8th Grade Seattle Trip “seed money” for fundraising events
  • Gaga Ball Pit purchase and installation
Jog-a-Thon Gifts to School:
  • Gaga ball pit on the playground (2022)
  • Physical education equipment (2021)
  • Touchless water bottle filler in the Commons (2020)
  • Cross Country Team Uniforms and Warm-Ups (2019)